The resources section offers access to selected resources which either refer to library services to
persons with Alzheimer’s or related dementia, about the disease itself or other related topics.
Have Suggestions?
This list is by no means exhaustive; if you would like to suggest a resource for inclusion, please email us. Thank you.
American Library Association Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services
Dementia Friendly America
Dementia Friendly America
Related Toolkits
ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) on behalf of the ALA
Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL), 2011,
Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL), 2011,
The toolkit was developed to help library staff members who are also caregivers for members
of their family.
of their family.
Library Services to an Aging Population Committee, Reference Services Section, Reference
and User Services Association of the American Library Association, 1987, Rev 1999,
Approved in 2008
and User Services Association of the American Library Association, 1987, Rev 1999,
Approved in 2008
The guidelines are general for older adults and do not focus on adults with dementia.
ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, 2010
Dementia Friendly America (DFA) Library Sector Guide
Dementia Friendly America understands the importance of libraries in dementia friendly communities because they provide access to resources, services, and programs for people living with dementia and their families.
Case Studies
Search the blog for case studies. They will give you inspirational real-world examples from around the country that show librarians putting their plans into action. You’ll find detailed information about the implementation of “model programs” from all sorts of different libraries designed to serve those with Alzheimer’s or relate dementia.
Dementia Friendly America (DFA) Library Sector Guide
Dementia Friendly America understands the importance of libraries in dementia friendly communities because they provide access to resources, services, and programs for people living with dementia and their families.
Case Studies
Search the blog for case studies. They will give you inspirational real-world examples from around the country that show librarians putting their plans into action. You’ll find detailed information about the implementation of “model programs” from all sorts of different libraries designed to serve those with Alzheimer’s or relate dementia.
Group in Illinois with librarians, managers, and support staff to meet the unique needs of serving the caregivers and those suffering with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Produces entertaining and informative videos capturing the heritage, culture and music of America including trivia and serentiy products.
Offers an elegantly simple revolution in elder care by infusing creativity into care relationships and systems.
Publisher and distributor of books, videos, and recordings for activity directors, recreation and creative arts therapists, occupational and rehab therapists, and other caregivers who work with older adults