Please mark your calendars for a Library Services for Dementia/Alzheimer’s (LSDA) General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021 at 1:00 pm CT.
Our last meeting on Nov. 17, 2020 was so successful, that the members in attendance requested that we increase the number of meetings from two to three meetings per year. We will schedule the third meeting for later in the spring.
As in the past, the agenda for this meeting will start with an overview of what’s been happening within LSDA as a part of ALA. But the bulk of the meeting will again be turned over to the attendees to talk about their own local efforts. As we hope that the end of the pandemic might be in sight, we would love to hear not only what you have been doing, but also what you hope to do when we can return to in-person programming.
Hoping to talk with you all soon!
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